Smart Homes

Accelerator : This company is supported by the SEAS 2 Grow Accelerator
Event – Brainstorming : This organization has already been involved in SEAS 2 Grow workshops and events
This is a SEAS 2 Grow partner, involved in the project activities on a daily basis.
Intermediary actors
P.O. Box 8825 5605 LV Eindhoven
Smart Homes has 17 years’ experience in developing and deploying smart home technology, smart living concepts and e-health, particularly aiming at Sliver Economy, home care and integrated care. Facilitating a living lab in the Netherlands has proven to be essential.
Services provided:
- Access to end-users for co-development
- Advising / assisting with partnerships (public, private and public-private)
- Advising on route to market and commercialization activities, including regulations
- Introductions to customers
- Networking events and business conventions dedicated to innovation in Silver Economy
- Product review and product evaluation (including living labs)
If you would like to contact this organization, please address your request to