Position Systems Limited
Accelerator : This company is supported by the SEAS 2 Grow Accelerator
Event – Brainstorming : This organization has already been involved in SEAS 2 Grow workshops and events
This is a SEAS 2 Grow partner, involved in the project activities on a daily basis.
4, Orchard Court, Church Street, Crondall, Farnham, Surrey. GU10 5QP
United Kingdom
PSL is a science and engineering-based healthcare technology company, working closely with leading University R&D departments, focusing on systems to assist the elderly and disabled, typically infection-control and medication reminding.
They develop:
- Fitness and overall physical activity
- Mobility issues e.g. walking aids
- Monitoring activities of daily living including falls and wandering
- Prevention and management of chronic health including medical devices
They are interested in:
- Cognitive impairment (e.g. Dementia)
- Digital literacy
- Incontinence
- Informal communication e.g with friends and family
- Mental health and loneliness
- Nutrition and Hydration
- Personal transportation equipment e.g adapted bike
- Prevention and management of chronic health including medical devices
- Recreational activities and leisure
- Smart clothes
- Swallowing process
If you would like to contact this organization, please address your request to