Accelerator : This company is supported by the SEAS 2 Grow Accelerator
Event – Brainstorming : This organization has already been involved in SEAS 2 Grow workshops and events
This is a SEAS 2 Grow partner, involved in the project activities on a daily basis.
Housing health and care organizations
Bovendonk 29 Roosendaal 4707 ZH Netherlands
We offer elderly the possibility to make the most of their day in their own way. We do this by providing an extensive service, from convenience and comfort to intensive care, at home and our locations
They use:
- Fitness and overall physical activity
- Housing adaptation
- Informal communication e.g with friends and family
- Mental health and loneliness
- Monitoring activities of daily living including falls and wandering
- Recreational activities and leisure
They are interested in:
- Cognitive impairment (e.g. Dementia)
- Fitness and overall physical activity
- Housing adaptation
- Incontinence
- Informal communication e.g with friends and family
- Mental health and loneliness
- Mobility issues e.g. walking aids
- Monitoring activities of daily living including falls and wandering
- Nutrition and Hydration
- Recreational activities and leisure
All types of housing provided:
- Retirement communities (villages, flats, etc.) for elderly residents with no or low-level care needs
All types of health services provided:
- Primary care services, e.g. General Practice
Number of clients / residents / patients:
2001 - 5000
Percentage serving 65+:
Client / resident / patient profiles served:
- Mild cognitive impairment (only infrequent reminders required)
- Mild physical impairment / disability (aids and adaptations required)
- Moderate cognitive impairment (frequent reminders and occasional observation required)
- Moderate physical impairment / disability (human assistance required)
- No physical or mental impairment
- Severe cognitive impairment (loss of cognitive identity and high level of observation required)
- Severe physical impairment / disability (bed-bound)
If you would like to contact this organization, please address your request to