SEAS 2 Grow community

The purpose of this map is to identify actors in the 2 SEAS region interested to become more involved in the development, trade and access of innovations for the elderly. Click on the actor name on the map to reveal their full profile.

  • Belgium
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
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Actor developing or planning to develop products and services in the Silver Economy sector (targeting people ageing of more than 60)

actor supporting the development of the Silver Economy sector such as regional development agencies, clusters, funders

organization that uses or purchases products/services in the Silver Economy sector (targeting people ageing of more than 60)

organization involved in public policies about ageing

181 Result(s)
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They develop or use
They are interested in

Description: Our solution makes it possible for single living elderly to stay independent and to feel safe in their own house. It gives stress release for informal care takers and a better insight for professionals health providers. The system is using intelligent software that is


Description: Sensolid provides a system that will protect elderly people by monitoring their behavior and providing reliable fall detection, without invading their privacy.


Description: Design of access ramps to PMR standards


Description: Silver Valley brings together the players in the Ile-de-France region to create conditions conducive to the development of innovation projects and commercial and industrial partnerships to meet the needs and practices of the elderly and their families. The co-location of innovative companies, skills, available services, land and infrastructure, potential partners and suppliers promotes the accelerated development of solutions, products and services to respond to the crucial societal phenomenon of aging.


Description: Smart Floor develops sensor foils (<0,2 mm) to be positioned under every upper floor (wood, rubber, artificial grass). When walking over the floor with a wearable, human movements can be measured. This underfloor system allows real-time activity to be recorded, this data allows countless applications; Including bed, toilet and alarm alarm. As well as driving domotics and monitoring of the lifestyle. All this without sight and without the need for portable sensors.


Description: Smart Homes has 17 years’ experience in developing and deploying smart home technology, smart living concepts and e-health, particularly aiming at Sliver Economy, home care and integrated care. Facilitating a living lab in the Netherlands has proven to be essential.


Description: Total management and communication platform for service flat residences


Description: Nurses association inspired from Buurtzorg model in the Netherlands, which enables individual nurses to better live their job by team meetings and sharing.


Description: CONNECT THE GENERATIONS: Engage children with grandparents through the recording of oral histories


Description: 24/7 palliative care coordination centre and advice line, inpatient, community and outpatient specialist palliative care including domiciliary care.
